While air quality in Oxford city is improving on average, averages and static measurement approaches don’t capture real world human exposures to air pollution. In everyday life we are exposed to many short-term peaks in air pollution, for example during rush-hour. Research has shown that these peaks are important because they can bring on acute health effects, as well as contribute to long-term negative health impacts.
OxAir will use portable, reliable air quality sensing equipment alongside local knowledge and engagement to build a better picture of what air pollution looks like across Oxford city at different times of day and along different transportation routes. With this data we aim to inform policy decisions, raise public awareness and support personal behaviours that reduce emissions and exposure. In so doing, we hope to generate best practice protocols for lower cost reliable measurements that other cities, communities and citizen science groups can follow.
Our Goal
To generate reliable, meaningful air quality data from a human perspective for key routes and open spaces in Oxford city.

Who's involved?
OxAir is a diverse group of public servants, researchers, consultants, businesses and residents who bring added value through their differing perspectives on air quality priorities, capabilities and responsibilities.
The key partners are Oxford City Council, Empathy Sustainability, Ricardo EE, Apertum, Oxford University Estates Dept, public health and social science researchers at Birmingham University and Oxford University, and liaising with Oxfordshire County Council, community groups and business collaborators. These groups include:
Oxfordshire County Council Public Health Team
Pedal & Post
Oxford Bus Company
The Oxford Pedestrians Association
Royal Cars
O2 (Low Carbon Oxford North)
Institute of Applied Health Research / Clinical researcher in Public Health
Oxford schools